Saturday, October 13, 2012

me and the internet

Hi, I am a full time mom. And I consider internet as a big helper in my life.
Why ?
I'll give u the reason :

It helps me improve my English. I use not only laptop or notebook, but also my android based phone and my android tablet to get connected to the internet. Both my phone and pad are installed with dictionary application for android, so anytime I need to learn new words or troubled to find the perfect word for my emails, this application really helps me a lot. Especially for now I live in foreign country which use English as the second languange.

It helps me connected with my family and friends who live around the globe. Believe me, uploading new photos or videos of my baby Sita can reduce sadness of my mom when she desperately missing her one and only grand daughter who lives across the country. Talking by cellphone is not enough. And sending pictures by MMS not friendly to our pocket.

It helps me improve my knowledge in everything I want and everything I need. Bible ? I use the daily reading and even can download the bible application for android which have reading tools. Now I can listen to my bible anytime I need it using my android phone. When I go to English mass every Sunday on local church, I use English text mass and read it using the internet. It includes the daily bible reading. Cook book? Why should I waste money for books if I can get plenty of recipes I want from the internet ? I even can download timeline weekly menus for android if I wanted to arrange weekly or monthly plan menu for the family. But I am too lazy to use it. Hehehe. Any kind of books or novels I want to read ? I can download it from the internet. Any update news of my country such as politics, crime, etc, I read it from the internet. Affordable, update, and accesible for me. It will be a waste of time and money to find newspapers .I get information on safe medication and medicine for my family, also using the internet. Just play safe on it.

It helps me to download movies. I love to download movies for my child, and keep it in the pad, so I don’t have to pay for cable tv which it really helps me to entertain my child, educate her, and save a lot of money at the same time.

It helps me to educate my child. I can find plenty of good and free homeschooling resources for my child. I will take my child to school soon, but at the same time I still need to educate her at home. For me whom christian, I can find christian educating resources for infant to toddlers, and again…it all free of charge.

It helped me to open my own online store when I lived in Indonesia. And I have some business connection through the internet using facebook, linkedin, email, yahoogroups, etc. I still have a good business relation and friendship until now with most of them, even I never met them face to face.

It helps me to find any jobs. My last job from Yayasan Tambuhak Sinta, I got the information through the internet.

It educate me how to manage my family assets, and be smart of it. I found resources on gold investment and it helps me a lot to keep my saving wisely. I also found information land for sale from the internet. And made some transactions of it. I call it smart investment.

It helps me connected to my husband all the time. We use whatsapp application to get connected. Using cellphone might be annoying if he's in the middle of an important meeting. And again, it’s free of charge. Help me save some money.

My life is an open book, but not my open diary. My family and friends can see it and read it and get involved with it using facebook. But what happened inside my head and what I really feels inside my heart, only God knows. I also learn to increased my privacy setting on facebook, so I can manage my friendlist. Who can see my family pics, who can read my status updates based on religion, privacy, for bussiness contacts,or for everyone. Be smart and expressive at the same time.

I don't like to spend my time too much watching tv. Especially sinetron. Hate it so much. But when I miss to watch Tukul Arwana in action, internet really helps me. Watch live stream tv, or just from youtube. Then laugh as loud as I can.

I find a lot of new friends and being found by the old friends whom live so far away around the globe, through the internet. Facebook, twitter, linkedin, yahoogroups, etc. just name it. Or just type my full name on google, then u can find me there.

I love to shop, but my husband hate it. So, I buy clothes and all baby needs online. Buy it from the suppliers, and get a super cheap price compare the offline store.

In this country I live now, if we opened an account on local bank, they don't give us bankbook. We use internet banking to check and print our transaction. Another help from the internet.

So, what do you think about it ?

You decide.
Don't judge the book by it's cover.
And whatever your opinion, I love to be me

Have a blessed day everyone !

Fulltime mom who loves internet,

Whied Bernadete

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