Wednesday, January 15, 2014

[cinta dalam sepotong coklat]

pagi ini aku mengantar Sita ke sekolah seperti biasa
dan Sita pun siap dengan sepatu baru (thx God its not raining this time), jaket, topi , dan payung kesayangannya
langit pagi ini mendung
kami menelusuri trotoar di sepanjang jalan sambil bersenandung 
"rain , rain, go away....."
mampir di antara semak penuh bunga 
Sita selalu memetik sekuntum bunga untuk diberikan kepada guru kesayangannya
tiba di gerbang sekolah dengan selamat
dan satu kejutan kecil tidak terduga menyapa
miss Rebecca menyerahkan sekotak cokelat dihiasi sampul surat di atasnya
"is it for me?"
"yes, Mam.. the school wanna thank you for helped us accompanied the new students last week.."
" this is only small gift from us, we really appreciate your helping hand.."


untuk sejenak aku tertegun
dan segera tersadar mengucap terima kasih

" thank you so much for the gift... it is a pleasant surprise for me. i love to help the teachers and students here. the joy is mine. send my best warm regards to all the teachers and the school principal. "


i walked home with smile on my face and in my heart full with joy
it is not the gift that matters to me
it is the love of the givers that made me smile


[cinta dalam sepotong coklat]

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